Introducing the Workbench

A cloud platform to configure, simulate, and validate microgrid designs for any application

Explore the Wave Workbench

Take your microgrid for a simulated test run

Wave Configuration Tool


  • Reduce development and validation time from months to days.
  • Configure microgrids with an intuitive software tool.
  • No custom software development or PLC programming required.
  • Increase project velocity with less overhead, less time, and less tools.

Visual Studio empowers Software Developers

Wave Workbench empowers Energy Project Developers

Increase Productivity, Increase Project Profitability, and Reduce Time to Market.

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Complexity Conquered with Spirae Wave

Catch the Energy Transition Wave with the platform to accelerate your Energy Services business and compete in the age of Digital Energy

Project Developers

Manage Distributed Energy Projects from Concept to Operations. Clearly communicate value to customers, substantially lower your engineering costs, and deliver cost-effective and efficient solutions relative to your competition.

DER Manufacturers

Customize the Wave Platform to your specifications so you can offer plug and play compatibility for your equipment with other complementary product offerings. Imagine the sales acceleration for your product if you had that capability!

Engineering Firms

Support your teams in their daily work and drive your customer’s economic, sustainable and resilient energy goals. Quickly configure microgrids, validate use cases and operational assumptions to generate high-confidence proposals and complete test plans for execution during field commissioning.

Software Developers

Develop and validate your applications to offer additional value opportunities to hybrid energy system develops and end users.

Unleash the Power of Distributed Energy

Scale your energy business with

Spirae Wave in Action

Ready to start building energy solutions today?

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Wave FAQs

How do you Access Workbench?

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.